A Course in Miracles (My Approach)

Background: Welcome to my year-long exploration of "A Course in Miracles," where each day unfolds a new layer of understanding and healing using this unique and vibrant text. This blog chronicles my personal exploration through daily text readings and workbook exercises, offering insights into the profound teachings of forgiveness, love, and perception shifts. The day’s text reading and exercise numbers are in the title of the entry. Join me as we uncover the miracles behind healing and transformation into the spiritually powerful beings we were created to be. 

I also want to keep things transparent with you. Some of the links you’ll find on this page are affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through them—at no extra cost to you!

These articles come from my genuine love and experience with the resources that have helped me on my journey. I only share products and services that I truly believe in and think will add value to your life. Your support helps me continue sharing insights and inspiration, so thank you for being part of this amazing community!


I examined both the workbook and the text for structure, flow, and time dedication. Per the instructions, it is the reader’s choice to take them apart, together, or in some other fashion.

Due to my experience with May Cause Miracles, I find comfort and enhancement in combining the two. My desired approach was confirmed when I saw the structure of the two book portions.

Check out How I Discovered A Course in MIracles here


The Text is divided into chapters, each chapter containing as few as 5 or as many as 11 sections. A section is generally a few pages long, consisting of verses each one to a few sentences in length.

This made a section feel like a good daily reading, with each chapter almost aligning to a week based on its 5–11 sections.

Of course, I know life will occasionally call me away from the book, and I will not be perfect at sitting down for a daily reading as time wears on. The lack of an exact alignment between sections and chapters to specific dates brought me comfort—adding a sense of flexibility and imperfection, which feels human as I approach the text.

It was as if the book was saying, “It’s okay if our time together is not perfectly aligned to the calendar, so long as it is in spirit.”


Instructions for the workbook state to only do one lesson per day—no more. There are 365 lessons with one intended per day, suggesting the workbook will take at least one year to complete (provided I follow the instructions).

The lessons also indicate they should only be applied once or twice daily. This means I do not need to sit down with a lesson more than once per day unless I desire to, which further aligns with my original intent.

I accept this as perfect.

Overall Approach

My original approach of sitting down each evening to read one Text section and complete one Workbook lesson aligns well with both the book’s overall structure and my commitment level to this extended assignment.

This makes my heart sing.

It also made diving in on Day 1, which was also Introduction Day, easy and exciting.


A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 1)


A Course in Miracles (Introduction)