Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 20)

This morning, which it still is, is experiencing the dust settling from last night’s reading and what a mind blower it has been. 

In my yoga this morning, I was daydreaming about one of my male friends coming into town and us practicing yoga together in the common space of my condo association. Then, a neighbor walks up asking to join/ say hi and I introduce my friend- BY THE WRONG NAME!

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 19)

When is the best or right time of day to study a course in miracles? Ive chosen before bed as the last primary item of my day. I often starts between 8-10p depending on the day. 

This has been wearisome at times because my emotions, my mind, or otherwise can get stirred up while reading and applying the text and workbook- often the workbook. Sometimes I stay up longer than intended writing in my journal, or rereading the text and I miss my intended bedtime by an hour+. 

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 18)

I’ve only sat down 1.5 times with ACIM this week due to social and familial demands. This will be my first text + workbook dual in a week. 

Text. Chapter 3, II Miracles as True Perception

As I read, my mind briefly wandered to wondering if I wanted to create anything from or of the text as I hope to reread the text in its entirety someday. Then I brought it back to the text and stayed focused. 

My crown chakra was sparked throughout the entire reading until the very last portion, part 6 verses 1- 7. 

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 12)

In general, the energetic shifts are becoming more prevalent on the physical plane, both in the opportunities and money coming to me, and in my determination.

In my human design/Sphinx reading for the week, I got Death. In fact, the cards I’ve gotten both in the daily and the weekly and monthly readings for December (today is Dec 3) have all been signs I have not yet experienced with this program, yet they have been spot on.

I’m sure it has not been a coincidence.

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 11)

I read the text last night as I crawled into bed. I was dozing off as I read it silently, yet it still landed peacefully. 

I marked only one section- the final verses that spoke to the idea of communicating on a level that the audience can attain without fear. 

This is neither the common or highest level of communication the person can follow or use, but rather the one without fear. As a miracle requires a moment without fear in its path to offer Atonement. 

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles Journal (Days 9 + 10)

Day 9 was yesterday. It was swift. As If all was clean and pure within moments. No commentary to write as more energies lifted form my stomach, my mind even went calm- not peaceful, but calm. All was as it should be. That delighted me and I went about my evening with friends, my dog, and then wrapped myself into my cozy bed that’s better than ever thanks to my ongoing efforts to clean the energies of my home. 

The In Between 

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 8)

This evening began as I stared at my messy desk- the main pile of unsorted emotions remaining in the main section of my home. 

When I returned from Nomad Cruise, I was called to clean out my home, find the incomplete expressions of business ideas, journals, stories and more. Called to finish and let it all go as my energetic standard had clearly been raised. 

Yet, I somewhere lost my momentum and fire as I drowned again in the rising thoughts and emotions. I pushed through a bit more today- though this been a month since my return. 

Why the lingering? Why the rush? 

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 7)

“All real pleasure comes from doing God’s will. This is because not doing is denial of Self.”

“Child of God, you were created to create the good, the beautiful and the holy. Do not forget this.”

I’ve inherently known this, but needed to hear it so I may heed it. It is, in fact, exactly what my morning mediation was on- reframing the mindset that has me in a state of inaction on particular matters. 

“Vision is still so dim”- does this relate to the idea of sensing though the eyes God’s energies? Yes, this is affirmed later in today’s reading. 

The first half of the text was kindly direct and what I knew I needed to read. Making absolute sense and perfect timing. 

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 6)

Whatever fears I have and hold distort my reality. 

A fear there is not enough money, arises from a need of money. Yet, needs are an implication that we’d be better off in a state of which we are not currently in- A state of more money. That we are been separated from money, therefore we need it, yet the cause of the separation itself is fear.

“Needs only arise when you deprive yourself.’

My mind immediately went to money and romantic love when I read this statement. 

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 5)

Yesterday was intense.

I sat down to do my Course work in the late morning, yet it triggered an ongoing uprising within me. 

The intensity was as if I had fallen off an emotional wagon. Steady and on track, then wobbling as the axles split under the weight of the carriage. 

I had a flashback to Buenos Aires early 2023 when I was reading May Cause Miracles for the first time. I remembered two curious items from that period. 

First, that was the last time I remember truly falling off my emotional wagon. An expression I began using after my fathers death (2008 suicide) which would ultimately be both my deepest hours but also my turning point to healing. 

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 4)

Today’s reading is both obvious yet simply stated in a way that I am going to reread today’s entire section. I am also going to apply it both to my mind, the pains from yesterday, and the concepts of wealth and abundance as I do so. 

1.iv.2.11. ”The mind that serves spirit is invulnerable.”

Love this line from my first read through as it a kind reminder to my active mind that as it holds onto and retains what it has learned in habit, observation and self validation, it is in fact admitting its own vulnerability, or in these cases as listed, its weaknesses. 

It becomes self evident to my mind that it it holding on to its now weakness in each of these thought patterns. Therefore, the idea way forward is to let go of what it claims it needed to hold on to. 

Ok, to reread today’s passages… 

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 3)

I had a brief 30 mins between my day and my evening to pick up the book. I began with the Workbook exercise knowing I could complete that in my limited timeframe- I completed both task. 

My meditation began with an intense pain in my mid abdomen accompanied by a sharp pain in my upper right neck. I have felt these pains before and consider them a priority in my healing quest. 

They seem to be attached to thoughts and some sense of self shaming, loathing, or other inner destructive series of judgmental thoughts combined with emotion. 

They were not new to me, yet not yet released nor understood- yet. 

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course In Miracles Journal (Day 2)

Today’s text befuddles me in two ways. 

First, I did not understand the very word the chapter starts with: Revelation. Then it went on to say “Revelation is intensely personal and cannot be meaningfully translated.”

I accepted my confused state and trusted the words would work their magic anyways. 

After reflection, I wonder if Revelation is the term they apply to what I would consider enlightenment? An open channel in and without space and time, with the removal of all doubt and fear that is a direct channel with God. A one way channel where God may communicate to the intended yet the intended may not use the channel to communicate to God?

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 1)

I began with the workbook, Lesson 1: a shifting of what I see to what is—or is not—real. Reality versus perception. Truth versus existence.

I enjoyed it. I could feel the inner workings of energy beginning to shift in my mind, subconscious, and heart chakra (chest and arm). It was delightfully stimulating.

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles (My Approach)

I examined both the workbook and the text of structure, flow, and time dedication. Per the instructions, it is the reader’s choice to talent apart, together or in some other fashion. 

Due to my experience with “May Cause Miracles,” I find comfort and enhancement by combining the two. My desired approach was confirmed when I saw the structure of the two book portions. 

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Acacia Thornton Acacia Thornton

A Course in Miracles (Introduction)

I’m holding the physical soft covered book in my hands. Shorter in stature than I expected- perhaps I can get through these 1300 pages faster than expected? Only time will tell. 

But first, a reflection back into the life alternating occasions that brought me here, to buying the book - to even knowing of its existence. 

It happened in three stages:

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