A Course In Miracles Journal (Day 2)

Background: Welcome to my year-long exploration of "A Course in Miracles," where each day unfolds a new layer of understanding and healing using this unique and vibrant text. This blog chronicles my personal exploration through daily text readings and workbook exercises, offering insights into the profound teachings of forgiveness, love, and perception shifts. The day’s text reading and exercise numbers are in the title of the entry. Join me as we uncover the miracles behind healing and transformation into the spiritually powerful beings we were created to be. 


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Todays Entry:


Today’s text befuddles me in two ways. 

First, I did not understand the very word the chapter starts with: Revelation. Then it went on to say “Revelation is intensely personal and cannot be meaningfully translated.”

I accepted my confused state and trusted the words would work their magic anyways. 

After reflection, I wonder if Revelation is the term they apply to what I would consider enlightenment? An open channel in and without space and time, with the removal of all doubt and fear that is a direct channel with God. A one way channel where God may communicate to the intended yet the intended may not use the channel to communicate to God?

Additional reading shall hopefully illuminate me further.  

My second bemusement was the verses’ attempts at explaining miracle shifts using longitude and latitude. I suggest my younger mathematically inclined mind would have quickly grasped the verse’s intent, yet my adult sleepy mind could not do so with ease or obviousness. 

What was clear to me was the intertwined comments of miracles and time shifting. 

Those made common sense statements to me as I have experienced many miracles in the past few years and the understanding of the temporary abolishment and the jumping of time when they occur makes complete sense. 

Reading this text without a base understanding may yield a different opinion. 

I wonder, with these two ideas being so intertwined in the verses, if they were explained as such so that one type of mind may gather the idea from one side, while others would connect and relate to the other example. 

If so, the author’s intent was realized.

Additionally in today’s reading, two passages stood out a lovely: 

Chapter 2.3.5. 

“Equals should not be in awe of one another because awe implies inequity.”

As an attorney, I have come across people who place my title on a pedestal due to the education, mindset, discipline, and work necessary to hold the title. They apply that title to me as if I am a lawyer and nothing else. 

Then they elevate me for it. 

I do not see either that way. I perhaps once did in my youthful ego, but that was so long again I cannot even be sure it was real.

I am a person. A human being and like all other human beings I am deserving because I exist. I am no better nor any lower than another. I offer my gifts up and am drawn to (and from) the same energies guided by mind conscious and subconscious mind as any other human being is. 

I am the same. I practice a profession and that is all. I honor the work and presence of all human beings and this verse states it so eloquently what I wish many others knew and recognized about the power of themselves and they inner being. 

Do not put others on pedestals in any form or fashion, for they do not belong up there, nor do you belong down there. We are all on qual footing and our souls should have the opportunity to shine at the same height and level always. 

Chapter 2.6.6.

“There is no relationship between the time a miracle takes and the time it covers.”

This is absolutely true! And I love the text for saying this!

Falsities like “the amount of time it takes to recover form a break up is half the length of the relationship,” or when looking to grieve the loss of a loved one, “The time it takes to heal is one month for every year you knew them.”

These are all lies. And any statement, ideas or suggestion inside ones mind to the contrary are incorrect. 

A miracles may be instantaneous and cause the witness to be instantly free of any amount of time and space in their life (or even former live’s and ancestry). It takes just as long to get over a stubbed toe as it can take a childhood full of trauma to be set free. 

The shifts can be sudden and dramatic, or it may creep little by little slowing opening until an obvious tipping point when it releases and all is gone.

 When it is done, it is finished. 

When the release occurs, all that was contained within in is shifted, gone. Done. It no longer exists I in that form. 

What was held within the miracle may be small thoughts, little distemperments, or even brief moments of life easily forgotten in the mind yet retained in the physical body, where other miracles may contain an entire series of daily events that pounded into ones consciousness repeatedly for years or ancestral healing over generations. 

All for one and one for all that was within. 

Miracles are amazing. I’d almost say addictive in nature because of their purity and the elevated life one has after a series of them, but they could never be addictive.

They could never be addictive because as one becomes a clearer more open channel to God (closer to Revelation) by removal of the blocks and limitations via miracles, the stronger one’s desire to act and align to their soul’s true purpose is. 

The miracle receiver shifts from desiring a reason for their life, to having a strong connection with it. Doubt and fear have given way to certainty. A kind of certainty that is absolute, empowering and motivating. Elevating. 

I fear, I am nearly here with my alignment yet I cannot help but note some obvious blockages. That’s whats beautiful too, the more you have the faster you get to the next one and have more. I am close- oh so close!

I am ready to be out of my own way and in alignment for my purpose and actions. 


During today’s exercises, I felt more energetic shifting (mini miracles) in my solar  plexus chakra. Yesterdays’ induces my third eye chakra with crown, and some sacral chakra. This morning upon waking, I felt shifts in my root chakra around my upper legs and hips. 

Now we are onto the solar plexus. 

Toady’s exercise is close in nature to yesterday’s; about I am the assignor of meaning to the things in my life. 

The book has me turn around at on point and I realize the things in my house I want energetically gone. Even if that means an empty space or blank wall. I want to be free of the misaligned energetic callings as the subconscious messages create turmoil in subtle ways. 

I want that space and inner capacity back. That is within my realm. 

Since returning from Nomad Cruise where I had a massive miracle and energetic shift occur while I was out of the country meant I returned to my home in a different energetic space than when and how I left it. 

It did not take long before I felt the urges to clean out the energetic and emotional spaces. I am midway into that project. 

Today’s exercise make me see it with clearer eyes and fiercer energetic intensity. 

I had begun dragging my feet because of the emotional weight of what I was finding around the house, and an inner fear slowly growing to create the action block disintegrating my intent to move it. 

I am currently having an inner battle on whether I take swift action now- despite the late hour and my wearisome eyes, or wait and assign tomorrow to the task. As I do, my upper back of my skull begins to tingle. 

With Love, Acacia

“All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, www.acim.org, used with permission.”


A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 3)


A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 1)