A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 3)

Background: Welcome to my year-long exploration of "A Course in Miracles," where each day unfolds a new layer of understanding and healing using this unique and vibrant text. This blog chronicles my personal exploration through daily text readings and workbook exercises, offering insights into the profound teachings of forgiveness, love, and perception shifts. The day’s text reading and exercise numbers are in the title of the entry. Join me as we uncover the miracles behind healing and transformation into the spiritually powerful beings we were created to be. 


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These articles come from my genuine love and experience with the resources that have helped me on my journey. I only share products and services that I truly believe in and think will add value to your life. Your support helps me continue sharing insights and inspiration, so thank you for being part of this amazing community!I had a brief 30 minutes between my day and my evening to pick up the book. I began with the Workbook exercise, knowing I could complete that in my limited timeframe. I completed both tasks.

Today’s Entry:

My meditation began with an intense pain in my mid-abdomen accompanied by a sharp pain in my upper right neck. I have felt these pains before and consider them a priority in my healing quest.

They seem to be attached to thoughts and some sense of self-shaming, loathing, or other inner destructive series of judgmental thoughts combined with emotion.

They were not new to me, yet not released nor understood—yet.
What surprised me today were three parts:

  1. How fast and sudden it came on.

  2. How intense the physical feelings were.

  3. That it was caused by sitting in traffic.

The pain intensified as I returned home after the long, extended errand. So I sat down in hopes of meditating to help heal it while also accomplishing my book tasks for the evening.

Having evening plans that would run into a late hour meant no time for drafting my notes… not that I recall having many.

Today seemed like a quiet day compared to days one and two.

I started with the workbook. The assignment was similar to days one and two with the separation of attachment to things in my line of sight, but this time I added, “I do not understand…”

I applied this—“I do not understand…”—to my emotional, physical, and mental pain. I accepted that I did not need to understand it to honor its presence nor to let it go.

I did not complete the miracle of full release, but the practice did lower the pain’s intensity, which dissolved over the coming hours.

The text took a slightly new angle as well, yet I do not recall anything profound or outstanding from it. I did not mark any verses as profound or worthy of revisiting.

That is, today I did not take anything from the reading. I did look to honor and accept that, as much work as I have done on myself that has in turn led to many miracles, each miracle is not controlled by me. They are gifts of grace.

Also, the reminder that we are always in a state of grace. The pains, the downfalls, the repressed or unprocessed memories are only “errors.”

I appreciate this word over the traditional “sin” I had learned growing up. Sin carries a judgmental, separating stigma of evil meets failure—not good enough. Errors, on the other hand, are easily corrected. Errors are forgiven. To err is to be human.

We don’t strive for it, but we’re not doomed as evil for committing it. I appreciated the reframe.

My biggest takeaway for the day was sharing A Course in Miracles with a friend and even getting to pull up and read a verse from Day 2 to him as it was applicable to our conversation.

The Course is already working on and in me, but through me to help others. A desire I pray continues.

Now, on to today’s Day 4 reading…

With Love, Acacia


“All quotes are from A Course in Miracles, copyright ©1992, 1999, 2007 by the Foundation for Inner Peace, 448 Ignacio Blvd., #306, Novato, CA 94949, www.acim.org, used with permission.”


A Course in Miracles Journal (Day 4)


A Course In Miracles Journal (Day 2)